How to use mangosqueezy
Create Account
Sign up for a free account to get started with mangosqueezy.
Add Product
Add the product that you want to promote with help of affiliates.
Create Job
Select your product and specify the number of affiliates you want to partner with.
A snapshot of your AI affiliate finder.

Know more about your affiliates.
Chat with affiliates
Chat with your affiliates to build relationships, answer questions, and provide support. Keep all your affiliate communications organized in one place.
Analyze your affiliates
With our advanced data analytics, you'll know how your affiliates are performing and how to improve their performance.
Easy to add products
mangosqueezy is easy to add products for affiliates.
Get the furthest reach
mangosqueezy is a powerful tool that helps you find affiliates. It uses AI to find the best affiliates for your product.
Search globally
mangosqueezy searches for affiliates in the most unexpected places.